Baileys Blog Search

2nd April 2024

Plus 8 and dry when driving in...

I drove through plenty of rain on the way home from Huntingdon..

Let’s start with a wet Chepstow where Magical Escape won his first hurdle race.

ME had good race form and frankly on what he has shown on his previous runs he deserved to win.. Thankfully, he did and jumped so was a quiet, careful ride from Ciaran Gethings..

Robert and Nicola Baillie and John Garrett were the only representatives from KBRS Peter Kerr run The Surprise Syndicate who own him..

Those who could not get there were Phil and Gill Andrews, Gary Andrews, Peter Band and Wendy Prince, Luara Garrett, Barry Greening, David Smith and Chris Trigg; Alan James who also has a share was at Huntingdon....Anyway for those who were there 'It was a good day in Wales.'

At Huntingdon.

Fair Frontieres after 3 really disappointing runs ran ok to finish 4th, while Reallyntruthfully showed that he is going to make a smashing hurdler after a good 4th in the bumper.

I have never seen Huntingdon so busy. The sun shone all afternoon and there was a huge crowd enjoying every moment of it.. Deserved for them after their shocking winter of so many washed away meetings.

Robert and Nicola celebrated ME's win by staying last night at 131 and kindly asked Mrs B and I to join them (for supper not to stay!).. Sadly we could not.. there will be another time I hope..

Tuesday morning brings in our usual vets vist and this weeks movers and shakers in the BHA handicap charts were..Espoir de Romay down 3 to 128, Halligator down 3 to 100, El Rio down 2 to 119, Moonlighter down 1 to 112, Hurlerontheditch down 1 to 116, Two For Gold up 2 to 151 while Von Hallers enters at 79..

We have no runners today.. Or tomorrow..

Good old Christopher Marriott has done it again..

A cowboy was out on the range when he saw a snake on the ground. He pulled out a gun and aimed it when the snake said “Stop! I’m a magic snake. Let me live and I’ll grant you three wishes!”

So the cowboy put the gun away and said “OK. 1) I want to be rich. 2) I want a girlfriend as pretty as Christie Brinkley. 3) I want to be hung like my horse.”

The snake said “I grant you all three wishes.”

So the cowboy went home and was greeted by a gorgeous blonde woman with a perfect figure. He walked into the house and saw gold and silver everywhere. Then walked into the bathroom and unzipped his pants. And screamed “OH NO! I RODE THE GELDING!”

Barry Hills is 87 today.. what a man..