Baileys Blog Search

3rd April 2024

Plus 10 and drizzling when driving in. 9mm of rain overnight

The forecast for the next couple of days is not looking too brilliant either.

David Bass, Ciaran Gethings and Darren O'Dwyer were in to ride out this morning.. we jumped Two For Gold, Le Camelion and Brendas Asking.

Ash Symonds was here mid morning, to talk Grand Nationals. Even though we don’t have a runner..

Alan James called in to see his KBRS horses over the door.

Talking runners there is no jump racing today..

John Battershall sent these photos of a commision he ordered of his favourite racehorse.. John was one of the 10 members of the Youneverknow Partnership who owned  Younevercall.. there are stunning (the pictures).. The artist is Sophie Fois..

John Younghusband sent this one over..

Truckers now have to have 35 hours ongoing training to remain current so courses are held around the country
Up in Armagh a bunch of lads are getting their training on Safer driving from Mick the chief instructor “So lads the secret to safer driving is the PARCS system: Planning, preparation, anticipation, awareness, competence, readiness, responsibility and situational awareness ,

Now what we will today is discuss various scenarios you may find yourselves in, I will then ask each of you how you would deal with that scenario
“Now then Pat ,I want ye to Imajin yer droivin yer truk thru d Brenna pass indy Alps ,on a single carriageway..  yeave a line er trux behind ya ,and tis a series of S bends going up d pass, yeave a full load on and yer codriver Jack is asleep in the cab beside yer..Round the nixt hairpin ye see 2 trucks upsides, coming flat tak down the hill towards yer

“Given that situation Pat,how would ye react?”

“I’d wake up me mate Jack”

“Yead wake up yer mate Jack, why in hell would yer do that then Pat?”

“Coz my mate Jack would ever have seen a truck smash like that that before”