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6th June 2024

Plus 10 and dry when driving in.

Hard to believe that this was the warmest spring on record.. No summer in sight yet? Snow in Scotland..

Gavin Sheehan was in to ride out and jump Parc d’Amour.

D-Day.. 80 years ago.. Sadly there are not many left to tell us about that extroadinary day. The BBC have shown a really moving three part series. D-Day The Unheard Tapes..

The coverage on BBC last night at the Bayeux War Cemetery, where lights are lit on each of the 4,144 graves was just so moving.

Racing news..

Nevin Truesdale will leave the Jockey Club by the end of the year.

The Gambling Regulation Bill, which is currently at the committee stage of the Seanad, has sparked controversy, with the legislation proposing a ban on gambling advertising between 5.30am and 9pm, which both Racing TV and Sky Sports Racing say would make it unviable for them to broadcast in Ireland.

Further upbeat news of the above in todays Racing Post about the possibilty of Racing UK and Sky Sports Racing being allowed to screen Irish racing from 2026.

We have one runner today at Uttoxeter. Mat heads there to saddle  Fair Frontieres and for my thoughts please click here.

I am attending Mark Bradstock’s memorial service .. St Michael and All Angels Church in Letcombe Basett at There will be a huge turn out for a really popular chap..