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2nd August 2023

Plus 15 when driving in...

Its Mat today! Maya has very little to say apparently, I was as surprised as you are, so I'm going to ramble again...

Always great to see horses heads back over the doors and to be busy around the yard again..we have plenty of new horses and staff and there is a real buzz in the air this time of year, lots of dreams and some really nice types to go forward with. We have quite a few novices to go over fences this year and that was something we were short on last year and a sphere we traditionally do well with. Good to see the horses and staff enjoying their time around the farm and bucking and kicking on the round gallop, spoken like a man that no longer rides out!!

On the racing front we have had a good strike rate with our summer runners, as you know we don't have many but the ones we have ran have done well and we have had a few winners to keep things ticking over.

Lady Gwen went up 3 and now has a rating of 96

I see the whip debate is still raging, an unbelievably good race on Saturday ruined by people counting how many times each jockey struck their horse and rushing to be the first person to flag it up on twitter or X as we now must call it. It's a sad state of affairs and one that racing really must address soon, the rules are unfair in so many ways, I know Norman Carter owner of Samatian feels very strongly about this as anyone would if their horse was beaten in a photo costing them a significant amount of prize money when the winning jockey broke the rules.

On a personal front I've had a nice summer, a lovely few days in Cornwall with Evelyn and Sylvie and a few trips away that I've really enjoyed.

Football season is now upon us; it always feels like the start gets earlier every year, I'm slightly concerned at the lack of transfer activity that Forest have been engaged in but I'm sure all the pieces will fall into place by next week's kick off, we could do with some of that Saudi money that's blowing around..I've been watching a bit of the womens world cup when time allows, not sure our lioness' will be bringing anything but duty free home and I suppose I should say I've spent far too much time watching cricket, how we didn't win the ashes is beyond me...I look forward to seeing pictures of multiple catches on Kims return and I'm sure you will look forward to a decent blog!!