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1st September 2015

Plus 11 and dry when driving in.

Dry it was certainly not yesterday; we had 15 mm of water land on us and predictably Archie’s cricket match was cancelled.

Jason Maguire was in this morning so we jumped a few and they were Net Work Rouge, Ballyknock Lady, Crazy Jack, Gold Man and Bonne Fee over fences and Abbreviate, Aliandy, Amazing D’Azy, Ascotduex  Nellerie, Fizzy Dancer, Magic Money, Sunblazer,  King Simba, Kings Opus, Amazing D'Azy, Trojan Star, West End, The Scarlett Woman and Younevercall  over hurdles.

To watch how the jumping went please click here...

Here we are in September and where was our summer? August officially the wettest ever.

Standing on the top of my gallops I look over a large area of farm land and most of it is still covered with crops of wheat. I feel sorry for those farmers who are looking at their crops being possibly ruined. There is another problem as I use straw for bedding and that is not looking that good either..

Racing news.. The great Hurricane Fly has been retired. HF was possible the best and most consistent hurdler of all time.. a pocket rocket to say the least. Ruby Walsh said this about his favourite racehorse

Hayley Turner has also decided to retire at the end of the season. Hayley is/was the best female rider ever and it is sad that at the age of 32, after all she has done, that the rides have dried up enough for her to make that decision. Hayley has been a great ambassador for the sport and I am sure she will carry being one too.

Also retiring at the end of the season is Newmarket trainer James Toller. The hugely popular James will be missed.

Victoria Pendleton so nearly won her first proper flat race. Thrilled to be second but I am sure like me she wasn't!!

Here is a good Italian story for the beginning of the week.. Yes I know it is Tuesday

Maria had just got married and being a traditional Italian from a good family, she was still a virgin.

On her wedding night, staying at her mother’s house, she was very nervous.

A good Italian story..

Her mother reassured her "Don’t worry Maria, Tony’s a good man. Go upstairs and he will take good care of you. Meanwhile I’ll be making pasta"

So up she went.

When she got upstairs, Tony took off his shirt exposing his hairy chest. Maria ran downstairs to her mother and says "Mama mama, Tony’s got a hairy chest!"

"Don’t worry Maria, all good Italian men have hairy chests…. Go upstairs and he’ll take good care of you"

So up she went again.

When she got there Tony took off his pants, exposing his hairy legs. Again Maria ran down to her mother."Mama mama, Tony took off his pants and he’s got hairy legs!"

Her mother said "Don’t worry, all good men have hairy legs. Go upstairs and he’ll take good care of you"

So up she went again.

When she got there Tony took off his socks, and on his left foot he was missing three toes. Maria saw this and again ran downstairs. "Mama mama, Tony’s got a foot and a half!"

Her mama said "You stay here and stir the pasta!!