Baileys Blog Search

2nd November 2016

Plus 3 and dry when driving in.

A decent crowd saw some good racing at Exeter yesterday.

We were not that involved in the finishes in either of our two races.

By The Boardwalk ran well enough to finish 4th. He looked to be about to play a big part in the race turning for home but just did not quicken with the others.. we blame the slow early pace but whatever he will be winning again soon. Monkhouse just did not enjoy the ground.

John Perriss and I drove to the course in style .. John’s new RR was very comfortable.. yes the Indians have got it right.

We met up with Martyn and Sandra Steer Fowler who were having a day out at their local track.. Much talk of horses, and cars!

David Bass and Richie McLernon were in this morning. We worked a few and a video can be seen here.

Vince Burmingham and Ken Price were here third lot to see Vince's  KBRP horses Chateau Robin, Ascotdeux Nellerie, Silver Kayf, Milord, Knockanrawley and his Chepstow runner Silver Eagle.

Peter Thomas was here mid morning to talk about the horses for a RP stable tour.

We have three runners today. Silver Eagle and Alfies Choice head to Chepstow while Sunblazer goes back to his prefered all-weather racing at Kempton tonight. For my thoughts on their respective chances please click here.

Talking Kempton there seems to be better news from the four jockeys who were injured in that horrific fall on Monday.. Fingers crossed..

'You're never to old to think on your feet'...sent over by Jeff Cole..

An elderly man owned a large farm in Gloucestershire for several years, and on the land was a beautiful pond.

Over time he had planted apple and peach trees, and made a bench where he could watch the sunset.

One evening he took a stroll down down to the pond, taking a bucket with him to collect some fruit.

As he neared the pond he heard laughing and splashing.

As he got closer he saw a group of young women skinny dipping in his pond, and being a gentleman he made them aware of his presence and sat on his bench.

They all retreated to the deepest part of the pond and then one shouted, 'we're not coming out while you're sitting there'.

The old man replied, 'oh you needn't worry, I'm not here to look at you girls. I'm far to old. I've just popped down to feed the alligator',