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3rd August 2023

Plus 13 and dry when driving in.

Driving down from Scotland yesterday I stopped off to watch the racing from Goodwood and that looked wet!. Paddington won and looked so tough.. some horse.

Fishing is my favourite pastime, when I get the chance to do so .. It is relaxing and always enjoyable.

Standing in the river hoping that your fishing line will suddenly shoot out does not happen very often.but reality is that you are just so lucky to be able to stand and admire the world around you. Rivers and especially those in Scotland are just so stunning… My reward for 2 and half days of perfect peace was rewarded with one sea trout late on Monday night..

Nicky and Sophie Henderson were my hosts and fellow guests were Willie and Caroline Jenks and Bobby McKeown..Venue Knockando on the river Spey.

Back home and today Clare and I head to Goodwood for our annual trip there with Keith and Liz Ellis.. Always an enjoyable day.

Harry Bailey took a bus from his hotel at Goodwood yesterday and sat next to Eddie Hales.. they have not seen each other for 16 years!

We have one runner today at Stratford. Shantou Express heads there and for my thoughts please click here.

Charlie Dingwall sent this one over..