Baileys Blog Search
4th December 2020
Plus 2 and raining when driving in.
That was not a good day at the office.. It happens and frankly it was not much fun.
Mr Grey Sky finished 3rd. Starvoski pulled up as did Hes No Trouble while Aliandy finished well down the field..The ground at Wincanton was horribly tacky which did not help but expected better from all.
You cant just put the day down to being a bad day in the office .. we have to find out why.. something will come to light..
I was asked a question yesterday at Wincanton about blogging and how I find the content to keep it going every day.It is not easy, especially after a disappointing day.. Usually something comes to the rescue!
This morning Mat was looking over my shoulder while I was reading my emails.. Perhaps he should not have.. But he did see a message about cutting my throat.. and he then said something about it being from another irate punter with abusive comments..
No Mat.. it is like listening to half a conversation or reading one word in an email..
Jenny Winch my secretary from my Lambourn days, sent over an email saying that she thought I might be amused to know what has kept her busy during these miserable days.
Last year Jenny started designing and making jigsaw puzzles and when lock down started it went manic. She has made loads of jigsaws for children and elderly people who couldn't cope with lock down..
We had an email exchange and then she sent over an picture of her latest jigsaw which was a picture of me and Mr Frisk..
I replied that she hopefully did not cut my nose in half and Jenny replied ‘no.. and I did not cut your throat either.’..!
David Bass was in to jump Happygolucky before heading North.
We had Stewart and Bev Wright with their son Jack and wife Jess here third lot to see their Presenting filly and Tantoli
We have two runners today at Sedgefield.. Shantou Express and Harde Fashion run there and for my thoughts please click here.
Remember when you left your milk bottles out..
Cancel one pint after the day after today.
My back door is open. Please put milk in ‘fridge, get money out of cup in drawer and leave change on kitchen table in pence, because we want to play bingo tonight.
Milkman, please could I have a loaf but not bread today.
Please don’t leave any more milk. All they do is drink it.
Please knock. My TV’s broken down and I missed last night’s Coronation Street. If you saw it, will you tell me what happened over a cup of tea?
Milk is needed for the baby. Father is unable to supply it.