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5th December 2022

Plus 3 and dry when driving in.

That was a not a bad weekend..

Top Target won really well at Wetherby on Saturday…

This lovely horse was picked out by John Perriss after he saw him walk past him when he popped in for a coffee at the Tattersalls Cheltenham Sales in April..26K for a cup of coffee is expensive… but 26K for Top Target looks a bargain.

It was our first visit to Wetherby for the season and it has been a lucky racecourse for John and so it proved again .. Top Target was well ridden by Ciaran Gething..

TT was as I mentioned, bought by John, and his previous owners of this former English point to point winner were my godson Ed Bailey and Chris Barber..John had bought recent Bangor hurdle winner Getaweapon off them too.

Down at Chepstow Grave La Klass and Magical Escape both ran with promise..

Grave La Klass needs a third run to qualify for a handicap mark while Magical Escape ran very green (immature) and will improve hugely for the experience..

First Flow probably ran as well as he did last year in yesterdays Peterborough Chase.. It looked a far better race this year and he still looked like going close two from home, but good ground and their speed left him in third place.. No disgrace ..

I just love this horse and it really annoyed me that I could not be there to saddle or support him.. Mat did the honours while I sat at home with a hotwater bottle glued to my back..

Mrs B rightly thinks I am pathetic, after all it was not that long ago she lay in bed with a badly broken neck and here I am moaning like a whimp, incapable of doing anything for myself!!

Honeysuckle beaten in Ireland.. Shame.. It happens..The edge has been taken off any big match between Constitution Hill and Honeysuckle for the moment.. don't forget the great Istabraq was beaten into second in this race by Limestone Lad and still won the Champion Hurdle at Cheltenham

England set Pakistan just a few runs.. today will certainly be interesting.. Surely they will be a winner..It has been a good Test match..

I thought they were being greedy but Goffs were proved right to hold their sale at Sandown on Saturday judging by the huge prices..

There is YET another sale this week.... Friday at Cheltenham.. Tattersalls... Are you looking for a Christmas present.. I could help fill your stocking..!

A good night for English Football.. Now France.. 

Monday morning and no rain around, but a possibility of frost and snow!! Well snow if you live in Scotland..

We have two runners today at Lingfield.. Big Suze and Percy Veering and for my thoughts please click here.

I know I said on Friday that more stories would appear over the next few days about the late Hugo Bevan.. This one was in yesterdays Times.

Brough Scott wrote..

A talented artist in his spare time, Hugo once escaped a speeding fine by recognising that the stern faced policewoman in front of him had been the nude model in his life drawing class.

“Oh hello,” Hugo said with his naughtiest smile, “it’s good to see you with your clothes on.”

Many more will come along.. Hugo was a person once met never forgotten..

To finish. Happy birthday to one of our KBRS owners David Ratcliffe