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5th August 2023

Plus 11 and raining when driving in.. Expected..Storm Antoni ariving..

Bangor on a Friday is really not the best of journeys and frankly it is probably easier to go across country, which takes at least half an hour longer but at least you keep moving. The alternative is the M5/M6/M54 and those roads are usually grid locked with holiday traffic.

The reward is the racecourse. A sunny day with loads of happy faces and a lunch to die for..

The owners experience is second to none as I mentioned yesterday.. Bangor’s policy is that if their owners have a happy time it makes them feel like coming back, even if their horse disappoints and yesterday we were one of those..

Gerard Mentor is struggling with his current handicap mark.. He is still higher than when he last won and his confidence after his fall is not at its best. He came into the race down the far side but his effort petered out.. He probably needs his wind seeing to again.

I was called to the stewards to explain his run.. I thought they were asking me in to thank me for coming to Bangor.. but no!

Good to see Johnny Turner and Sam Boyes there..although it was sad not to see Richard Aston.. (he is much missed).. Bangor is always a happy place.. I heartily recommend a visit you if you have a horse in training..

Saturday morning and very wet.. It has not been the best of weeks and yesterday to cap it all Charly my head Girl had a fall off her own horse (at home) and has dislocated her shoulder and has cuts on her face and now sports a black eye.. The shoulder was put back and she is now in a sling.. She was not late in this morning!

David Bass and Ciaran Gethings were in to ride out.

John Benson was here to se his KBRS horses El Rio, Parc d’Amour and Phantom Getaway

Paul Martin and Cathy Traynor were here to see Paul’s KBRS horses Phantom Getaway and Percy Veering.

Clare and I are heading to my goddaughters wedding.. Anna Sherwood gets married to Guy Carmichael in Bromyard..

Harry Bailey heads back to Sydney his morning.. Back in May next year..

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday..It is going to become drier and warmer..