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6th December 2023

Minus 1 and dry when driving in...

David Bass and Ciaran Gethings were in this morning to ride out...

With no runners yesterday and back from the dentist with a semi new tooth.. it gave me time to try and sort some Christmas shopping  (the online variety!)..

I find it hard thinking of ideas, but if you are too struggling try one these for fun. Mrs B's goddaughter Emily's sister...Bella Christie Jewellery and if looking for a horsey one try Horse Shoe Art..I am sure there will be a discount if you mention where you saw this!

The second ODI against the West Indies takes place today..

This story is hardly surprising.. Even Archie had a horrid message when he was signed up by Gloucestershire CC..

We had hoped that we would have a runner today.. Haydock is OFF .. Frost..

It is worth spending a few minutes listening to the Sermon of The Day..