Baileys Blog Search

6th July 2017

Plus 13 and dry when driving in. It is very muggy..

I can't say that our runner at Worcester was good as it was not. Jupiters Gift just did not like those all weather hurdles and jumped them far too slowly and too big.. She lost lengths at them and that was not good enough. She finished down the field.

It was very hot there 30 degrees.. too hot for jump racing?

There were not many cool places to be found on the racecourse and on a day like yesterday the hottest place was the weighing room. You had to feel sorry for the clerk of the scales as his room, where the jockeys weigh in and out, was at least 10 degrees hotter and stuffier than anywhere else on the course. Most uncomfortable.

Sunblazer finished 4th at Kempton last night.. He again ran his usual race and showed again that he is very much in the grip of the handicapper…. The answer is to keep doing our best or run him over the wrong trip!?

On the way to Worcester I called in to see John and Penny Perriss and all their horses. They all look incredibly well (and the horses) and most of their horses will be returning here next week.

Vince Burmingham and Ken Pricecalled in mid morning to see Vince's KBRP horses.. Vince has shares in Milord, Silver Kayf, Knockanrawley, Chateau Robin, Dusty Pearl, and Ascotdeux Nellerie.

The Lords Test starts today. South Africa and England. Joe Root starts his career as the England Captain. Big day for him..

Do you feel that your life has been taken over by Google?

Hello! Pizza Express?

No sir it's now Google's pizza.

Oh, I called a wrong number? Sorry!

No sir, Google bought  it.

Okay. Take my order please.

Do you want the usual?"

The usual? You know me?

According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you ordered pizza it was with extra cheese, pepperoni, mushroom and red chillies.

Okay! That’s fine.

May I suggest to you this time ricotta, arugula, and sun dried tomato?

What? I hate vegetables.

Your cholesterol is not good  sir.

How do you know?

We crossed the number of your fixed line with your name, through the subscribers guide.  We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years.

Okay, but I do not want this pizza!  I already take medicine.

Excuse me, but you  have not taken the medicine regularly.  From our commercial database four months ago, you only purchased a box with 30 cholesterol tablets from Superdrug.

I bought more from Boots.

It's not showing  on your credit card statement.

I paid in cash.

But you did not withdraw that much cash according to your bank statement.

I have other sources of cash.

This is not showing as per you last tax return, unless you bought them with undeclared income.

What the hell..

I'm sorry sir, we use such information only with the intention of helping you.

Enough!  I'm sick of google, facebook, twitter, WhatsApp. I'm going to an island without internet or SKY TV. Where there is no mobile phone service and no one to watch me or spy on me.

I understand sir but you need to renew your passport first as it has expired five weeks ago.

Hello, Hello ...Bzzzzz

To finish.. Happy birthday to Clare Rooney who co owns The Last Samuri and many others and Sarah Hobbs.. Trainer Philip’s wife..