Baileys Blog Search

8th May 2023

Plus 11 and dry when driving in.

Wow that was some Coronation.. Pageantry at it’s very best. Lump in the throat stuff.. The past and the present..

Extraordinary to watch.. surely even anti royalists should have been proud of our armed forces… Very proud to be British..

The celebrations carried on yesterday and last nights concert was awsome..

Galante De Romay did not stay? Not sure.. she stopped quicky, but as I thought before the race the ground was lively enough for her.. She jumped well and travelled well for 2 and half miles, which until Saturday was the furthest she has been.

So here we are on yet another Bank holiday Monday.

My weekly blood test and check up with Doctors in the GR.. Last week they asked me to drink as much water as possible.. Something I am certainly not used to.. drinking yes, but not litres ofthe stuff..

More horses headed off to grass and we also have a runner at Worcester..

I rang their Clerk of the Course Nessie Chanter on Saturday morning for a ground update..

She assured me that the rain we were due here would not make it to them and the ground needed watering to get to good, so that stopped the odd runner from here.

Nessie is a very good clerk of the course and brutally honest.. she finished by saying I look forward to seeing your horse(s) but please don’t come yourself..She does not really enjoy reading my blog after my visits to her racecourse!!

Tregele runs at Worcester and for my thoughts please click here.

Andy Murray won his title event since 2019.. Pretty remarkable if you think of the hip surgery he has had.

The razzmatazz of the Miami Grand Prix and 270,000 race fans watched Max Verstappen come from behind to win..

Talking blog. John Disney thought this joke was ideal for a Bank holiday

A woman goes out shopping with her husband and spots a pair of boots she loves

The husband says..’No chance love, They are way too expensive'.

Later in bed the wife is just falling asleep when her husband tries his luck and places his hand on her hip and then lower on to her thigh.

She turns over to him and says. ’I don’t think so mate. If you'r not prepared to shoe the horse, then you sure as hell ain’t riding it!’

To finish.. Happy Birthday to Penny Perriss..