Baileys Blog Search

9th August 2023

Plus 9 and dry when driving in..

It was a shocker yesterday.. like September..Apparently it will be dry all day today!

David Bass was in to ride out this morning. Ciaran Gethings was not as he is currently on holiday in Ireland.

Yesterdays gastro scopes results were good.. Important to monitor, especially those who had problems with ulcers in the past. Ulcers are the bane of a trainers life as they don’t show unless you look and they are far from performance enhancing!

There has been plenty of chat in the trainers ranks about retention of staff..Not an easy one to sort as it seems to be a generational problem.

You only have to look at the entertainment business as a whole to know that bar and restaurant staff are in very short supply! Builders are complaining, and even our local agricultural supplier said, when servicing our tractor, that they were short of 8 teams of mobile (repair) units to service the farming community.. and it is harvest time.. their busiest time of the year.

Fingers on the mute button.. Can you imagine the language.. Jockeys will need to be able to count their stick movements, and now contol their language under pressure!

National Racehorse week.. we are open house so please come and snoop!  Register here to join in..

Here is a silly one!

Why is horse racing so romantic?

Because the horse hugs the rails, the jockey puts his arms around the horse and you can kiss your money goodbye!  

This is a quote to annoy?
“What a fantastic creature is man, a novelty, a monstrosity, chaotic, contradictory, prodigious, judge of all things, feeble earthworm, bearer of truth, mine of uncertainty and error, glory and refuse of the universe!”