Baileys Blog Search
9th December 2021
Plus 3 and dry when driving in.
Pretty dire stuff at Lingfield. Mr Grey Sky ran well, but needs to drop back in trip if running on that heavy ground next time.
There was a large turn out to say goodbye to Evelyn Faber..St Michael's packed.
Phil Case was here with friend George third lot to see his KBRS horses Hendra House, Parc d’Amour, Percy Veering and Fair Frontieres.
Australia are running away with the first Ashes Test.. It is like Listening to a one day game as Travis Head is just knocking the ball all over the place.. they have done their home work and attacked all the bowlers where the knew they were frail..
We have four runners today at Warwick.. Kyntara, Inca Rose, Starvoski and Alnitak all head there and for my thoughts please click here.
Since Youngsters of today have their texting codes (LOL, TGIF, ILY, etc.),
Not to be outdone by these kids, now the *oldies (above 60's) too have developed their own codes:
ATD - At the Doctor's
BFF - Best Friend's Funeral
BTW - Bring the Wheelchair
BMBPP - Bring my bloodpressure pills
BMAGOW - Buy me a glass of wine
BYOT - Bring your own teeth
FWIW - Forgot Where I Was
GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low
WDIPTC - Where did I park the car?
GHA - Got Heartburn Again
TFT - Texting From Toilet
MTNS - Missing the Nineteen Sixties
Hope these help...
GGLKI! - (Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In)