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9th December 2023

Plus 9 and wet when driving in.. 10mm overnight

Owner videos last night at evening stables.. Mikey Elliott called in for a cuppa.. always good to see him..

David Bass and Ciaran Gethings were in to ride out..We delayed first lot as it was so dark and wet..

We had Arran and Taylor Peachy here for second lot for a tour of the yard.  

Phil Case was here to see his KBRS horses Parc d'Amour, Percy Veering, El Rio and Let's Go Amigo. He also brought his friends Carrie and Meghan. 

We hosted a morning on the gallops with breakfast for Mark and Graham Walters, Sarah Elizabeth, William Ziegler, Celine Millard and Bejnamin Deidun booked via CD Tours

Joe Goldring was here third lot to see his KBRS horse Let's Go Amigo.

Further Christmas present ideas.. Cornelius Lysaght highly recommends Gavin Prirtchard-Gordon's book Follow Your Leader.. Cornelius says it is a thumping good read..

Ed Cookson in his spare times seems to drink a great deal of gin .. He recommends Copper Lion gin.. Apparently he drinks it neat out of a shot glass.. Might expain a great deal..

The third ODI against the West Indies takes place later today

We have four runners today at Chepstow and one tomorrow att Huntingdon.. weather permitting.

Chepstow (8.30 inspection).. we run Sprucefrontiers, Two For Gold, Hurlerontheditch and Magical Escape and on Sunday at Huntingdon we run First Flow.. For my thoughts on all their chances please click here

Tomorrow John and Veronica Full (KBRS owners) celebrate their Ruby wedding anniversary.. Rather than face our weather they are popping the corks in Mauritius while walking with lions in the Casela Nature Reserve.

To finish.. John Perriss sent this one over..

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday..