Baileys Blog Search

10th April 2023

Plus 8 and raining at Thorndale.

No owners travelled to Ffos Las and only one horse did as Galante de Romay did not eat up on Saturday night which was very unlike her.

Equus Dreamer did not enjoy not having the run of the race like he did at Haydock and like all Nationals it was run a a very strong pace.. and it could well have come too soon after a hard enough race not that long ago when he won.. we had to give it a go as ground, time and suitable races are running out..Not his day but he will have others

Robert and Kerry Bellamy called in on Saturday for a Costa cocktail and chat. There was much of the latter and much news that had missed my ears for being in here. Kerry brought in Trout and Salmon magazine to remind me of one of my hobbies. Good to see them.

I sincerely hope you all had a good Easter Sunday?

Mine strangely enough spent in a place I was not expecting but that is what it is. 

I was hugely cheered up by a visit from John and Penny Perriss.

I entertained them in the Costa Coffee shop which has now become a form of a late morning residence. Plenty of banter and much to laugh about.. all very refreshing.

Mrs B was in and a brief cross over and then when she produced her ‘piece de resistance’ Steak and Salad from home.A proper Easter Sunday lunch…

I was not sure CC were that pleased when we asked for plates and a knife and fork, but we laid out the table and lunch was served and  taken with an excellent Chateau GB

During my visit to CC I was removed from one ward into another and another part of my holiday residence.. getting to know my new surroundings well!

Again thanks for all the phone calls .. I was slightly perturbed that Martin F-G thought I was probably being kept under sedation?

Moving back to racing and probably the most difficult job in racing..

Spare a thought for Aintree clerk of the course Sulekha Varma whose weather forecast looks increasingly tricky.

I sent a text Sulekha Saturday morning asking about potential ground conditions and she replied by saying that if they got the top range of their rain forecast then it could be very soft by Saturday as it is already good and good to soft in places..

BUT then I looked at the BHA site yesterday and it had changed to good and good to firm in places and watering. Some difference in 24 hours!

We have a couple of runners today. Halligator heads to Huntingdon while Law Of Supply heads to Chepstow and for my thoughts please click here.

To finish. Happy birthday to Dougie.. 6 today