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10th May 2023

Plus 7 and dry when driving in..

I made a very brief visit to Ludlow to saddle Lets Go Amigo.

We had a good turn out expectant owners hoping the change of tactics would work.. They nearly did as he finished third, which was huge improvement on his last appearance when he ran at Huntingdon...

Ciaran Gething rode LGA from behind but annoyingly he could not get a clear passage on the home turn, which probably cost him the race.. In my opinion the best horse in the race did not win the race!

I drove through torrential rain most of the way to and from Ludlow.. The racecourse missed it and it was a rather lovely evening..

Mat went to Wales but sadly Ffos Las was not a success as poor Pay The Pilot pulled up and Lady Of The Night finished 5th.. But the good news is that LOTN really enjoyed her day and raced and jumped with huge enthusiasm, but when asked a final question her wind cut out.. That hopefully will rectified before she runs next in November..

Wednesday morning meant that David Bass and Ciaran Gethings were in to ride out.

Karen Master and Mary Rolfe were here third lot to see their KBRS horses Does He Know and Isle Of Gold..

We should have had a runner at Newton Aboot today but the racecourse, which specilises on summer racing, under water!

Tim Caven emailed yesterday..

Morning Kim,

Sorry to learn you remain unable to differentiate one red wine from another but pleased to hear you are now in a position to experiment.

The blog this morning as caused consternation down here in soggy Devon.

My wife, sister of the illustrious now retired cricketer, insists that the old adage about rain and buds busting on tress is not as you state - but the exact opposite.

As I have to spend a full, uninterrupted, week in her company I've decided to agree with her.

Hope you can appreciate my position, its not that you are wrong just that Linda is always right.

As yet no mention of football this morning, are you as fortunate??

Well Tim as you know I am not great on my football, but judging that you have copied the esteemed cricketer into your email must mean bad new for his beloved Leicester and as for your sister being right.. she of course was and even though I rectified it right..

I must add a link to the right source of the old fashioned weather forecasting..

To finish .. Happy birthday to KBRS owner Leslie Fields.