Baileys Blog Search

9th December 2015

Plus 2 and dry when driving in. I even had to scrape ice off my windscreen.. unheard of?

Jockeys David Bass was in for a couple of lots this morning while Jason Maguire was in for one

We worked several and jumped Bandon Roc, Charbel, Gaelic Myth, King Simba, Mor Brook, Forgotten Hero, Monkhouse, Mollys A Diva, Pulling Power, The Drinkymeister and Same Ole Trix.. To watch the video of this morning's schooling please click here.

Johnny and Liz Wills were here second lot to see their horse Net Work Rouge perform up the gallops and discuss Saturdays entries.

Nick Cook was here third lot to see his KBRP horses Younevercall and Silver Eagle.. Nick then went off to lunch with Michael Worcester in Cheltenham.. Wives shopping there apparently..

Peter and Olive Smith who are also KBRP share holders were here to see their two horses Silver Eagle and Taras Rainbow

Douglas and Sylvia Wilks were here to see their KBRP horse Ascotdeux Nellerie and see the Kayf Tara Grey gelding.

Peter Kerr was here too.

Graham Potts our vet was in for his weekly visit a day late.

I am not sure what sort of reception I am going to be receiving later today from the Leicester Directors after placing their race course at the bottom of my list for owners experience..

Anyway there is nothing wrong with the racecourse for the horses, hence I have 4 runners there... Abbreviate, Grand March, Milord and Didntitellya all run and for my thoughts on their chances please click here..

A credible and serious threat this Christmas Holiday Season. I did look on Snopes. It is real!! Be careful, I guess the emails look very Legit. Be Aware


I Feel this worth passing along.

With the Christmas holidays coming up, this could be a real problem.

The newest virus circulating is the UPS/Fed Ex/USPS Delivery Failure.

You will receive an e-mail from UPS, Fed Ex, or USPS along with a packet number. It will say that they were unable to deliver a package sent to you on such-and-such a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached.


Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and home.

This virus has caused Millions of dollars in damage in the States in the past few days and could well start in the UK and elsewhere very soon.

Snopes confirms that it is real.