Baileys Blog Search

11th March 2021

Plus 8 and very windy when driving in.

Driving in was case of avoiding fallen branches.. all covered in the dreaded ivy!

We were hoping to take a few youngsters on their first away day this morning but the wind was enough to stop us.. Galloping into a strong headwind is not an ideal way to start their education.. too tough..

Thursday is our easy day and a day without zooming? No such luck.. Skysports racing late morning.

The first day of the Cheltenham Festival entries are out and although we only have one runner on day one it will be odd to watch the Champion hurdle in silence and no roar as they shout they are off for the first... Happygolucky is our Tuesday intended runner..

Wednesday entries close at 12 today..

Bangor’s Sunday meeting has already been abandoned..

There has been plenty written about Gordon Elliot over the last 10 days or so and Paul Kealy owns up as to being a key board warrior.. his article is worth reading..

The final piece of the video sage was sealed yesterday as Rob James was banned for 4 months..

We have just the one runner today at Carlisle.. It passed an early morning inspection .. Equus Dreamer heads there and for my thought on his chances please click here.

A few fun facts..

1. You can’t see your ears without a mirror.

2.You can’t count the hairs on your head.

3. You can’t breathe through your nose with your tongue out.

4. You just tried number the one above.

6. When you did number 3, you realised it is possible, only you look like a dog.

7. You’re smiling right now because you were fooled.

8.You skipped number 5.

9.You just checked to see if there is a number 5.

To finish.. Happy birthday to Peter Bennett-Jones..Owner of Prince Llywelyn and Peter has a share in The Racing For Maggies horse Another Venture.

Todays non virus video nasty..