Baileys Blog Search

12th July 2023

Plus 12 and dry when driving in.

What is it about Sky..

Yesterday morning did not going to plan. I left a note on my door at home to ask the Sky engineer to ring me when he arrived so I could nip home..

The first call of the day came from Archie to tell me that he had heard the door bell ring and by the time he rose from his bed and went downstairs all he saw was a white van leaving. ‘Dad I am sorry but I missed the Sky engineer.’

To say there was blue smoke in my office was an understatement.. Maya found an excuse to leave the office to tell Mat... In the meantime I tried to track down Sky.. Not easy. Eventually I found a number and help was on the way.. It was not Sky who had been to my home as according to Sky they were coming to Thorndale, where my account is based..

Late morning Sky's Paul arrived.. I told him to follow me home, but then the second problem arose when he said he was not allowed to work at my home address as it was not the address on the account.. It would mean that his insurance would not cover any accident he might have..

Give him his due he made a phone call to his boss, who was not helpful and told him to leave the property.. After much chat he persuaded him to change his mind and they agreed that he could stay and he would be covered in case of an accident..

Ladders would need erecting and ‘tethered’, but he was worried that our house walls were too thick for the internet to Wi-Fi connect with Sky Q to work..

Lap top out he wandered round the house and came to the conclusion that the whole house would need hard wiring for Sky Q to work..

The thought of wires everywhere horrified me..

So I called a halt and decided my faulty Sky system that I have had for 25 years would just have to last out another few years!.. So it looks like more trips up to the attic to reset when we have a power cut.. until Racing TV goes onto Sky Glass..

Good to see John and Jane Cootes again last night.. A good catch on Essex ways of life.. They brought a bottle of their local wine.. New Hall Wine..

Wednesday is a new day and one that I will enjoy as Norman Carter is kindly taking me to Wimbledon.. He has two tickets to Court One.. Fab.. I have not been to Wimbledon for years..

David Bass is in Sweden.. Ciaran Gething was in as were Paul and Elizabeth Kellar.. Faerie Cutlass worked..

On that happy note this made me chuckle..

John McNally is standing down as MP for Falkirk.

Before Westminster, the SNP politician ran a barber shop and in his maiden speech compared the two jobs. “Both require listening to public opinion, a great deal of hot air and having to do our best with not much to work with,”

John went on to say. “Cuts are also part of my daily routine, but not the ones the chancellor favours.”