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12th September 2023

Plus 16 and dry when driving in.

No vet visit today.. tomorrow..

Racing News which I should have passed on yesterday was Aiden O’Brien passing 4000 winners. Jockey Kevin Stott getting the sack by Kia Joorabchian of Amo Racing in a text message on Monday and finally John Gosden gives racing a stark warning..

Thanks for the emails and texts for the support of last weekends Open Days..

I spoke to Marcus Armytage yesterday.. Poor chap sounded awful, although he said he was recovering from his bout of Covid that stopped him from being our guest speaker on Sunday..

Talking Sundays Owners Open day please click here to see Nigel Kirby’s brilliant photos from the day.

If you would like a brochure from our open day please send a stamped address envelope and we will post one back to you..All owners will automatically be sent one if they were not able to attend Sunday.

Laytown races tonight.. sadly I have never been..Video..

Jane Lay was jokingly bemoaning (On Sunday) the lack of jokes on my blog.. all I can say is if you have one to spare please send them to me!!

The end is near

Every time a little boy went to a mate’s house, he found his friend’s grandmother deeply engrossed in her Bible. Finally his curiosity got the better of him.

“Why do you suppose your grandmother reads the Bible so much?” he asked.

“I’m not sure,” said his friend, “but I think she’s cramming for her finals.”