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12th December 2023

Plus 7, drizzling and foggy when driving in. 12 mm of rain over the last 24 hours.

Lingfield yesterday.. Moonlighter was third. Probably should have finished second, he jumped well and it was goodish round. Not sure why he was favourite but having said that these old boys races are good for the system..

BBC Radio Gloucester last night was a bit of fun..Steve Kitchen hosted the programme..Jon Pullen the Cheltenham clerk of the course, James Stevens from the Racing Post and myself.. Racing talk!..

No vet visit today as he popped in yesterday. This weeks moves and shakers in the BHA handicap charts were.. General Hubble down 1 to 83, Two For Gold down1 to 153, Hurlerontheditch down 2 to 120 and Sprucefrontiers enters at 101.

This really is a bombshell this space..

Good to see a message from Geoffrey Keeys.. a racing man moved north!

A recent study found that the average golfer walks about 900 miles a year.

Another study found golfers drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year, which means, on average, golfers get about 41 miles to the gallon.

Kind of makes you proud. I almost feel like a hybrid.