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13th January 2016

Plus 1 and dry when driving in..

Ludlow was heavy going and Bandon Roc found that too tough a call.. It was sloppy stuff when he last ran at Warwick where as yesterday was glue like. He is at least learning about racing and has a future.

Anyway it was a fun day and his owners enjoyed their Ludlow experience.

I am hoping for the same today.

Jockeys David Bass, Henry Morshead and Richie McLernon were in for two lots....

Ian and Pam Farnsworth were here second lot to see their KBRP horses Knockanrawley and Silver Kayf. Ian Dimmer called in second lot.

Norman Carter was also here to see his horses Sunblazer, who runs at Kempton tonight, and Rhianna. Norman is also involved in several KBRP horses..Silver Eagle, Milord, Taras Rainbow and Mor Brook.

A big thank you to Norman for allowing Sunblazer to run tonight at Kempton...Norman has kindly agreed to let Joey Morris have a ride on his horse.

It is so hard for the likes of Joey to get going as he needs to ride in at least 15 races against amateurs before he is allowed to ride against professionals.. If he was a conditional jockey he would be able to ride against professionals straight away. Joey is also in line to ride Norman's point to pointer and as a result Joey might well pick up other rides.. It all helps..

Not many to work today and we jumped ..Cracked Rear View, Emily Gray, Nam Hai, Sainte Ladylime, Younevercall,  and DidntItellya ..To view the schooling video click here and for some of the horses working please click here.

Graham Potts our vet was in for his weekly visit, a day late.

As mentioned above we have one runner tonight at Kempton on the all weather. For my thoughts on Sunblazer's chances please click here..

Before I go I would like to bring two things to your attention.

The local point to point season is about to start.. On Sunday January 24th The Heythrop’s  Cocklebarrow Races take place just down the road from here; it is a day out not to miss. Great racing and a big crowds are expected.. It is one of the most fun point to points to go to if you have never been.

Secondly I suggest you click on this site and see if you can help. I am not going to suggest that I am going to be a collecting point but I know somebody who is, so if you have any coats that you don't need then email me and I will give you all the deatils as to where to go.

Patrick Bailey and Andrew Bengough enjoyed this joke so much that they both sent it to me..

A golfer hits his ball into a yard next to the golf course.

As he goes to get it a man in the yard says, "Don't you see The sign? It says, 'Private property - Stay Out!'"

The golfer says, "I'm sorry I did not see it. That's my ball over There. May I have it, please?"

The man says, "It's in my yard and so it's my ball now."

The golfer looks at the man and says, "I think I understand"

He then walks back to the golf cart, gets another golf ball, Then walks back and throws it into the yard as well.

The man says, "What did you do that for?"

The golfer has a great comeback!

"I consider myself a Gentleman, and I Believe every prick should have two balls."