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13th June 2023

Plus 14 and dry when driving in.

That was soo frustrating to finish second at Southwell yesterday with Faerie Cutlass

FC ran a blinder, but was beaten into second.. annoying as she had improved for her win at Worcester and now the handicapper could well be really tough on her for finishing second as she was 21 lengths clear of the third!..

I always say to Mat that it is important to smile when finishing second however hard it might be to do so.. yesterday I fell into my own trap on this one!.. Elizabeth Kellar was so thrilled with her ‘baby’ as all owner breeders are, but for the trainer it was a hard pill to swallow.

All that said and done and apologies.. Southwell did a really good job on looking after the horses in yesterdays heat. The horses did not parade in the usual ring but walked around in a  small circle surrounded by fans. Immediately after the race staff threw water over the horses.. the ground was excellent.. really good.. they must have flooded the track to achieve that.

I was corseted to Southwell or rather I was driven by David Bass in his new car, a Corsa…. David crashed his Audi last week when driving to ride out here.. he found a van in the way in Withington..They should not be on the road that early was his only remark!

Yesterday was the first day out or should I say the furthest I have been.. it was also the first time I have been in David’s car since before Christmas…. We had plenty to talk about and frankly on the way home I was more worried that his tin box might collapse under the weight and power of water and the ferocity of the hailstones which looked and felt like bullets hitting the car..Some thunderstorm..Click here to see my Instagram page and you will see a video..

Tuesday morning and an away day for Ajero.. His last piece of serious work before Royal Ascot on Friday week. He was second last year..

We had a vet visit and this weeks movers and shaker in the BHA handicap charts were..

The first day of the Arkle Sales in Ireland .

Aussie jokes needed to keep me going this week..

Paul Toplass emailed to say that he had sent yesterdays Aussie joke to his mate in Queensland!

Here is his reply:

Dai was watching a Six Nations game in Cardiff.

In the packed stadium there was only one empty seat, right next to him.

“Whose is that seat?” asked a man in the row behind.

“I got the ticket for my wife,” said Dai. “But she died in an accident.”

“So you’re keeping the seat vacant as a mark of respect?”

“No,” said the fan, “I offered it to all of my friends.”

“So why didn’t they take it?”

“They’ve all gone to the funeral''

To finish.. A huge happy birthday to my Sister.. Amanda (Moo) Bridget Mordaunt