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13th March 2020

Plus 5 and dry when driving in. God that mornings are getting so much lighter.

Good ground at Doncaster or rather dry mud.. Not their fault but Donny has had a torrid winter. Doctor Haze ran well for a long way and now needs to step up in trip and go over fences..

Another huge day at Cheltenham with shocks and form franked..

Those who backed Imperial Aura earlier this week must be kicking themselves if they did not back Simply The Betts. He beat IA when they met at trials day and yesterday he franked the form nicely.

The stayers hurdle was a shock result.. But that is what racing does..

Last night Sale at Cheltenham was as usual strong..I was interested in a couple but..results..

Friday and the last day of the Festival….

Michael Simms, Dominic Harrison and Declan Gamble were here for a first visit to Thorndale.

Ian Robinson was here to see his Imperial Racing horse Imperial Aura...

We have two runners today at Cheltenham in the lucky last the Martin Pipe Hurdle..

I hate running two in the same race but as Happygolucky failed in his main objective the Coral Cup our hand has been slightly forced..Anyway for my thoughts on Espoir De Romay and Happygolucky’s chances please click here.

Mat and my pooled suggestions for todays racing at Cheltenham are..Goshen, Saint Roi, Monkfish, Al Boom Photo, Shantou Flyer, Chosen Mate and Front View.

Edward Bowen Jones sent this wonderful old click of a Hamel advert.. with a caption saying probably not suitable for Mrs B To watch.