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15th November 2023

Plus 7 and dry when driving in...

David Bass and Ciaran Gethings were in this morning.

Peter and Olive Smith and Jim and Linda Clarke were here third lot to see their KBRS horses Shantou Express and Mikhailovich.

We had a vet visit...

Our recent Newmarket horses in sale purchase Campaign Trail arrived yesterday after spending time with Jason Maguire since the sale.. he has been well schooled.

The Tattersalls NH Foal sales have been going on this week....Plenty of high pricesBlue Bresil.tops..

Tattersalls hold their first Cheltenham sale on Friday after racing..

Now the police are becoming involved.. I laugh about all the irate and rude phone calls, emails and text messages that come my way after a horse has run badly.. I have broad shoulders but for most it is pretty frighteneing .. Yes I have had death threats and threats of burning my yard down. You know that person has probably only lost £10 and are keyboard warriors.. some are not?

The weary evangelist knocked on another door, fully expecting to have it slammed in his face. Sure enough, the older woman who answered, angrily demanded that he leave once she figured out why he was there and slammed the door.

The door, however, bounced back open, and the woman shouted, “Get your foot out of my door!”

“But ma’am…” the evangelist began, when the woman again slammed the door in his face. Once again it bounced back open.

“I said get your foot out of my door!” the woman yelled again. One more time she slammed the door. One more time it bounced open again.

“But ma’am…” the evangelist said again, only to be cut off.

“Don’t talk back to me!” the woman screamed in a rage. “I want you off my property!” She slammed the door a fourth time, only to see it bounce open a fourth time.

“Ma’am,” the evangelist yelled as he beat a hasty retreat down the sidewalk, “you’ll be able to close your door if you move your cat out of the way!”

Looking for a Cricketing Christmas present..

Phil Tufnell had several miserable experiences in Australia as an England cricketer and not all were on the field.

He writes in his new book, The Tourist, about being debagged, sandblasted and nearly drowned on Bondi Beach where a wave sent him flying. “It dumped me into a sandbank and relieved me of my shorts,”Tufnell says.

His trunks washed ashore along the beach, where they were picked up by a Aussie bather.

“Are you Phil Tufnell?” he asked as the naked cricketer approached and threw him the trunks.

“I was glad to make the catch,'' Tufnell says. “Standing there in my birthday suit was bad enough without copping a load of stick for having butterfingers.”

To finish.. Happy birthday to our conditinal jockey Kai Lenihan..