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17th July 2020

Plus 13 and dry when driving in.

Soulless as racing might be without owners or crowds it does not stop you from enjoying a winner.

Arthurs Sixpence who had not run for nearly a year won by a long neck at Uttoxeter yesterday.

It was a much deserved win for his owners Stillmoremoneythan Partnership..

Yes Peter Kerr’s run KBRP owners are.. Phil and Gill Andrews, Stuart Ballantyne, John and Tessa Benson, Ian Brotherton, Vince Burmingham, Alex Carter, Stewart Edwards, Christopher and Emily Hill, David Price, David and Fran Ratcliffe, Darren Smith and Geri Worcester have every reason to have had a small celebration last night..

They have been incredibly patient as they have waited all year for the summer campaign which was due to start in May.. As we all know that date was put on hold…

A winner is what this game is all, about so even though they could not slap the jockey, trainer or assistant at least they have every right to feel a bit jaded this morning..So from the trainer well done, and many thanks for your support and patience.

David Bass game an excellent interview with Luke Harvey after his winning ride..It was funny and informative... It was slightly annoying that Mick Fitzgerald could only talk about JP's horses rather than the good ride that DB had given AS..

Our other runner Dansant Express travelled like a winner but did not see out the 2 miles..

My pre race comments were.. 'Probably the smallest horse in our yard.In fact he is tiny.. He works well and we like what he does at home. Is he a morning glory? I hope not.. and if not, he should go very close.'

With so much time between races yesterday it gave me a chance to invite myself for lunch with David and Virginia Johnson..They live at Chartley which is 6 miles from Uttoxeter.

A good call, lunch was excellent and it gave me a chance to discuss with Virginia her two horses Cresswell Legend and Inflagrante over a rather interesting and enjoyable bottle of sparking white wine..

I have to say I miss Blowers on TMS..He used to make the journey from the races all the more fun..

Black armbands worn by the Test players at Old Trafford was a mark of respect to the memory of their late Chairman David Hodgkiss who died in March..David was a good friend and I spent many happy hours with him at Old Trafford..and on the odd river bank..

P.S on yesterday.. Not much fun being a racecourse photograher with no owners. Nigel Kirby does his best..

Friday morning and the hill gallop closed.. Work going well.

We have no runners today and no visitors..

A man was mowing the grass when his blonde neighbour came out of the house and went straight to the mailbox.

She opened it then slammed it shut stormed back in the house.

A little later she came out of her house again went to the mail box and again opened it, slammed it shut again. Angrily, back into the house she went.

As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, she came out again, marched to the mailbox, opened it and then slammed it closed harder than ever.

Puzzled by her actions the man asked her, "Is something wrong?"

To which she replied, "There certainly is!" My stupid new computer keeps saying, "You've Got Mail."

Happy birthdays to two members of staff..Lucy Allen and Lauren Jack, Lauren looks after this years Cheltenham Festival winner Imperial Aura...Marcus Armytage who rode Mr Frisk to win the 1910 Grand National .. And to Laura Ruck Keene who is not a member of staff.. but..The Long suffering wife to Johnny!!

Todays non virus video nasty..