Baileys Blog Search

19th September 2023

Plus 12 and dry when driving in. A rough day ahead?

Clare, Archie and I joined Pete, Helen and Tommy Boorman at Kibou last night..

Tommy and Archie have been playing cricket together for the last 6 years and both were planning on heading to Australia to play club cricket this winter. Sadly Archie is unable to go because of his summer injuries, but Tommy is going off there next week..

Time to say goodbye and enjoy.. both will be living (together) in Bristol next year…

We like Kibou and the boys certainly love it and it did not disappoint..

David Bass was in this morning to ride out.

Graham Potts our vet was in for his weekly visit..

We have one runner today at Uttoxeter. Jeudidee heads there and for my thoughts please click here.

Clare and I fly away for a week in Puglia today.. It might seem strange but it is the only week that we have both been free to escape.. we did the same week last year.

While I am away I have asked some 'interesting and influential' racing folk to write a blog..I too will looking and reading what they have to say..Just hope they are not too derogatory about me!!

In Nottingham the members of a Sunday­-school class were asked to set down their favorite biblical truths.

One youngster laboriously printed: “Do one to others as others do one to you.”

See you next week..