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20th November 2023

Plus 8 and drizzling when driving in...

Three days of great racing at Cheltenham, sadly was not highlighted by a winner from Thorndale.

The Kemble Brewery virtually fell at the first hurdle (I was surprised that DB stayed on him) and from that moment on he was really never happy....the mistake rather shattered his confidence.

Yes he finished third, but it was a shock to see him do what he did.. An excellent jumper at home does not mean that he will get it all right on his first hurdle start in public.

Understandably there were disappointed faces after, but mores the worry was the nasty cut he sustained on the back of his right fore joint.

Thankfully our vets were on hand to wash out the wound and stitch the poor boy up before sending him home with pain relief, anti biotics and a large bandage to cover the said area..

All being well he will be fine and will in time put that performance well behind him..

The Kemble Brewery (the pub) put away the champagne last night, celebrations on hold for another day, but they served a great deal of beer instead..

Racing is all ups and downs and if you cannot take the rough with the smooth you should not be in the sport...sadly that cannot be said for those irate punters who took great pleasure in punching their keyboards and posting messages..

Of course they do not care about the welfare of the horse.. it is only their pockets that they are worried about.. Judging by some of their comments I should start thinking about booking in a place with the winning trainers day job?..

English racing struggles to attract big crowds on a Sunday.

Yesterdays meeting at Cheltenham felt very empty compared to the two previous days.. understandable perhaps, but there was really good racing yesterday and the racecourse went out of their way to make it a really good family day out.

Perhaps it is just me who feels that racing is pumping money into Sunday racing when it could go elsewhere in prize money..Bookmakers are keen for it as you can see from trial Sunday evenings on the allweather in the New Year..

Australia beat India.. another odds on favourite beaten!! A brilliant bit of Captaincy by Pat Cummins.. He played the game at its very best..

Peter McGrane a friend of Ron Wadey's called in yesterday morning to see Ron's horse Shady Wadey.. Peter was staying locally at the Kilkeny Arms..

Monday morning and we have two runners today.

Salt Rock heads to Exeter, while Zmiinyi heads to Leicester and for my thoughts please click here.

Paddy says to Mick -

I’m ready for a holiday, only this year I’m going to do it a bit different.

3 years ago I went to Spain and Mary got pregnant.

2 years ago I went to Italy and Mary got pregnant. 

Last year I went to Majorca and Mary got pregnant. 

Mick asks - So what are you going to do this year?. 

Paddy replies, -  I’ll take her with me!