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20th September 2022

Plus 8 and dry when driving in.

I am very proud to be British.

Yesterdays funeral service for The Queen was perhaps the most magnificent event we have ever watched, we were glued to the TV.

We just do pomp and ceremony just so much better than anybody else..Faultless and abiding memories of the remarkable pallbearers, the crowds, the lone Piper, Emma the Fell pony, Muick and Sandy, Huw Edwards and finally Kirsty Young..Of course there are many other memories.. A most extraordinary day..

Now it is back to normal life after a harrowing 11 days.

David Bass was in to ride out

Graham Potts our vet was in this morning.

Racing resumes, although we don’t have any runners.

But today is the start of two days of crucial stratgery meetings

Leaders from across British racing will on today begin a pivotal two-day meeting which it is hoped will initiate a major step towards improving the sport's prospects and securing its future in the face of mounting challenges.

Talks among 18 senior figures from across racing's many interest groups will take place in London with the aim of drawing up the principles for a long-term industry strategy.

I just hope this not another racing whitewash! It has to make some positive descisons as racings future needs supporting..

Not relevant but true..

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for the day. - Teach a man to fish and he’s going to spend a fortune on gear he’ll only be using twice a year.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for the day. - Teach a man to fish and he’s going to spend a fortune on gear he’ll only be using twice a year. has awesome jokes
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for the day. - Teach a man to fish and he’s going to spend a fortune on gear he’ll only be using twice a year. has awesome jokes