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21st October 2017

Plus 10 and blustery when driving in.

I was a week ago that Friday fell on the 13th. Yesterday felt that it should have been yesterday.

Our day did not start well when Mrs B who was riding Derrintogher Bliss second lot cantered to the top of the gallops as usual only for DB to have a massive heart attack.

These things are never pleasant, although for the poor horse who dies immediately, but a horse dropping down is something that can easily trap the rider.

Luckily Clare was able to get off with the help of two of my team. George and James dragged Clare clear. James was especially very quick off the mark; James also looked after and loved DB. All very traumatic and very sad.

An empty stable last night at evening stables which James had mucked out and cleaned as normal..

DB was much loved by his owners Steve Winter, Richard Connolly, Paul Monger and Chris Straghalis. DB gave them some great days racing but he leaves some wonderful memories. Yes we all had a drink to DB last night.

The day did not get that much better with Thumb Stone Blues finishing second at Fakenham.

Today is a new day and life carries on.

Tom Bellamy and David Bass were in to ride out. David Bass drove himself here....Yes his 3 months driving ban is over, much to the relief of Brian who has been responsible for driving David around the country for the last few weeks. Brian can now go back to a normal hour of waking and getting out of bed.

Andy Brand, George Freeman, John Yarrall, Mike Walker and Les Hartridge were all here for a morning on the gallops followed by breakfast as booked through CD Tours.

We worked plenty and jumped Braw Angus, Lake Field, Rhaegar, Dandy Dan, Cresswell Legend, Little Chunk, Monrocco, First Flow, Dueling Banjos and Red River.

Champions Day at Ascot. Fabulous racing and the finarly to their season.

We have one runner tonight at Wolverhampton. Forgotten Hero and Timmy Murphy team up and for my thoughts on their chances please click here.

This video will amuse you.. weekend activities..

To finish.. Well done to Henry Morshead who rode his first winner as a conditional jockey for Paul Nicholls yesterday at Wincanton. Especially good news for his dad Sam who had travelled all the way down from Scotland to see him win. Proud moment.