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24th July 2019

Plus 17 and dry when driving in.

Not internet early this morning .. Not surprised as the storm last night was huge.

Torrential rain, thunder and lightening like you have never heard or seen.

Archie was woken up with rain landing on his bed and Clare was seen rushing round the house closing windows. Dogs barking and all frankly going mad..

I slept through the whole night, oblivious to the storm and the dogs barking...

I woke, looked out of the window to see a normal world..

It was not, as driving to the yard was not easy as there were trees down and roads closed.. yes there was a huge storm.

First things first. Round the fields to see all the young horse turned out were ok and then checked our gallop had not moved.. relief.

Thibault was second last night at Southwell.

David Bass was in this morning. We jumped Blazon.

I am at Lords today for the Irish v England Test. Irelands first visit to Lords for a Test match. Stephen Cannon, Kevin and Dermot Clancy joining me (Two for Gold) .. Yes support for Ireland growing..