Baileys Blog Search

25th July 2018

Plus 16 and dry when driving in.

The scenes from Greece on last nights news were just horrific.

Cascaye and A Perfect Gift returned to the yard yesterday looking well after their summer break.

Rolf Johnson emailed yesterday as he was writing something about Alfie Corbitt for the Highclere Website.

Rolf was tying to get his head around the fact that their new horse was called Alfie Corbitt and why..and bar ringing the ex trainer Jim Culloty he was only going to surmise as to why he was called AC..

Alfie as yet we fail on, but Jim’s stables are called Mount Corbitt Stables so there is a hint as to how he got his name.. Anyway Highclere Thoroughbred Racing look to have a lovely horse in Alfie Corbitt and I am absolutely delighted to have been added to their list of Jump trainers..

Andrew Bowen’s team have not arrived but they are starting on the gallop tomorrow..their last job took a few days longer than planned..  

The Cheltenham Cricket Festival ends this week. Freddie Wills and I went down there to watch a few overs before and after lunch.. Ben Stokes was bowling well for Durham .. he took 3 wickets.. close game

Why do women live a Better, Longer & Peaceful Life, compared to men?
A very INTELLIGENT student replied: "Because Women don't have a wife!"

COOL MESSAGE BY A WIFE: Dear Mother-in-law, Don't teach me how to handle my children. I am living with one of yours and he needs a lot of improvement!?

When a married man says, I WILL THINK ABOUT IT - what he really means is that he doesn't know his wife's opinion yet.

A lady says to her doctor: "My husband has a habit of talking in his sleep! What should I give him to cure it?"
The doctor replies: "Give him an opportunity to speak when he's awake! "

To finish happy birthday to my god daughter Anna Sherwood