Baileys Blog Search

27th May 2019

Plus 10 and dry when driving in.

Saturday was disappointing, not because it was my birthday, but that the ground was far too fast for Robin The Raven at Cartmel.

A long way to go to find that.. RTR would not let himself down and frankly did not want to jump  i.e. landing on such fast ground was not what he wanted to do.. Thankfully he is fine after.. always a worry that he might be jarred up by experience.

Sunblazer ran ok at Salisbury but at least he will improve for the race and hopefully a drop in the ratings from the handicapper.

Talking ground. They had probably over watered at Uttoxeter and then it rained and the ground turned to soft. As a result Yeavering Belle did not run.. annoying as most of her owners were there.

Aliandy did not behave at the start and lost a good 20 lengths.. That was his race over so all in all not a great weekend of racing.

Saturday was busy. Archie's school sports day. Lunch on the way home and a quick one too at Russells and then a cricket match to watch at Stanway

Mrs B surpassed herself on Saturday night as she organised for a Japanese supper for a few friends at home..Tonbo is a mobile kitchen...It was frankly excellent and a very different way to entertain.

Quentin and Christine Bevan were here yesterday morning to see their horse Fubar in the field..

We have no runners today but we are heading down to deepest Devon for a pony race with Archie. Upcott, near Beaworthy.