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27th May 2023

Plus 7 and dry when driving in.

That really was a very good win last night at Worcester with Faerie Cutlass..

Much more than just a winner.. It was Elizabeth Kellar’s first home bred winner and that I can promise you is extra extra special.

I trained FC’s mother Faerie Reel and she was a winner with AP McCoy at Southwell and Ed Cookson at Newcastle and it was always Elizabeth’s plan to breed her own horses when Faerie Reel retired, and frankly as Elizabeth will tell you, it has not been an easy journey, but all that was made up by that win last night..

The beaming smile on Elizabeth's face in the winners enclosure needed capturing and Nigel Kirby the racecourse photographer did just that.. Elizabeth stood there with her horse in the right spot on a racecourse with pride and passion for that wonderful moment..

Paul and Elizabeth have been long and hugely supportive owners and friends for many years.. Last nights meant so much to me as I was able to make a dream come true.

Yes it has been a long journey for Elizabeth and many people have helped along the way from Batsford Stud to Martin Jones and all my team here.. All were smiling after..

You know I just ‘love’ going to Worcester.. But I really could not miss last night’s race. Not only did we hope FC might run well, but if she were to win I would be gutted not to be there to enjoy Elizabeth’s journey..

God help me.. two visits to Worcester and two winners.. Destroytheevidence last week and FC last night..People will start talking!

David Bass who gave FC such a great ride last night was in to ride out one lot this morning.. We have no runners over the weekend and all our attention will be focused on Cartmel on Monday.

Ciaran Gethings was also here this morning..

Not much to ride out but at least there was plenty of banter in the office after..over a cup of 'camel milk' coffee.

Next Saturday is The Derby.. Flat racings big day, but the battle drums are beating as the JC have put an injuntion on Animal Rising who predictably will take this lying down..All good publicity for AR??

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday..