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29th September 2023

Plus 13 and dry when driving in... Rain overnight..

The hard working Rupert Longsdon of Oxford Ski Company held Wine Tasting Evening (Private Cellar)  at The Classic Motor Hub last night.. Good wine, fun people and some stunning cars to admire and drool over..

Firstly Mrs B’s phone problem sorted but not mine!!.. Hours on phone to Vodafone and a now I need a new sim card.. they have offered a months free in return for their cock up.. Not good enough??

Mat, Charly and I sat down in the office yesterday talking horses and planning where they are likely to start their season.. At permitting of course!..

I Spy A Diva and Sayadam visited Laura Collett.. She really is brilliant..

Nick Tucker was here second lot to see his KBRS horse Grand Escaparde

We had a Friday vet visit..

An event for your diary..The Nook in Cheltenham..More on the right..

Muck is always an issue.. Newmarket now have a problem..

I am sorry but I find this shocking..Motive?

We have one runner today at Worcester.. Gerard Mentor runs there and for my thoughts please click here.

Here is a silly one for you.. ideal  to end the party political conference month!

A penguin walks into a bar and asks the bartender "Got any fish?"

The bartender says no and the penguin leaves.

Next day the penguin walks back in and asks the bartender "Got any fish?"

The irritated bartender says no, again, and the penguin leaves.

Next day the penguin walks back in and asks the bartender "Got any fish?"

The bartender, angry now, says "Look, you've come in here three times asking if I've got any fish and I've told you no. If you come back in here one more time asking me, I'm going to nail your beak to the bar. Now get out! "

The penguin leaves.

Next day the penguin walks back in and asks the bartender "Got a hammer?"

The bartender says no.

The penguin asks "Got any nails?"

The bartender says no.

The penguin asks "Got any fish?"