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3rd April 2019

Minus 2 and dry when driving in. Bits of rain about yesterday.

David Bass was in this morning. We worked a few and jumped a couple. to watch videos please click here - First Lot, Second Lot, Third Lot, Fourth Lot, Schoolers

Phil Andrews was here late morning to see his horses Mr Grey Sky, Those Tiger Feet, The Edgar Wallace, Dandy Dan and Party Fuzz and his KBRP horses Vinndication, Arthurs Sixpence and Blazon.

The BHA have appointed new person in charge and one who takes over the reigns left by Steve Harman. Annamarie Phelps looks a sound choice.

We have just the one runner today and that is Blazon on the all weather at Southwell. For my thoughts please click here.

Graham Potts our vet was in for his Tuesday visit a day late. No visit Friday as Graham will be one of the many vets on duty at Aintree.

The Randox Health Grand National meeting is now only a day away and it feels all rather quiet for us as we don’t have a runner this year. I can't recall the last year when we did not. Rather miss all the hype?

David Bass relives his near miss moment on The Last Samuri in todays Racing Post.

''It's crazy to think now about how confident we were that he was going to go well in the run-up to the day. He was a brilliant jumper and once the race started I knew very early on that he was loving the test of the fences. When you ride in the National you start with a plan in mind, but to be honest, once you've jumped off down to the first everything can go out of the window very quickly.

The whole race went completely to plan, he was relaxed and enjoying his jumping. I remember thinking the whole way round that I was on the right one and that he was going to win. That's what made eventually coming second all the more heartbreaking. What's more we got beaten by a horse [Rule The World] who had never actually won a chase!

After the race, the whole thing was really hard to take. I remember being absolutely distraught in the aftermath and Tom Scudamore came up to me and said: 'You may be gutted now but you'll look back on this in a few years and realise just how amazing it was.'

I look back on it now and think how lucky I was to be part of a great race on a really good horse and I'm grateful I had the chance to have a great spin round there. I look at it differently now and I'm just waiting for another one like him to come by so I can have another really good shot at it.

I think Grand National day is the best atmosphere at a day's racing anywhere. Cheltenham has a more intense feel, but being at Aintree with a really enthusiastic crowd and riding in what is essentially the people's race is always fantastic to be a part of.'

To watch the last 3 furlongs

Maths mad simple.

If you had £20 and your wife has £5.

She has £25..