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4th April 2016

Plus 7 and damp when driving in.

A winner yesterday at Ascot with Twelve Roses made up for all that went astray over the weekend.

Pulling Power was running well at Newbury on Saturday and then stopped like she was shot when looking like being placed. She broke a blood vessel so that is her season over.

Yesterday at Carlisle Red Spinner found the effects of Cheltenham and over night rain making the ground far softer than expected too much.. yes, I hear you complain.. Alfies Choice ran well enough but was very green or immature /experienced in running.. He will have learnt a great deal from yesterday experience and will be a horse to follow. At Doncaster Nam Hai ran well enough and probably arrived there too soon on the heavy ground.. He will win soon.

Twelve Roses was good and that would have done his confidence the world of good. I like Ascot for jumping and yesterday again they showed why they are so good. Free lunch for owners and Staff..  Liam Higgins who looks after Twelve Roses will tell you that Ascot and Cheltenham are the best when it comes to looking after staff.. appreciated

More TV cameras in this morning BBC’s turn..5 days to go..Dan Pallett from Midlands today

Talking BBC and cameras .. Local celeb Adam Henson was dishing out race prizes at Ascot yesterday..

We have no runners today.

The Twenty 20 finals...What a stunning game of cricket.. England lost in the last over.. 19 needed and then 4 sixes in a row.. game over..

The Mail Order Catalogue

Two IRISHMEN were looking at a Mail order catalogue and admiring the models.

One said to the other, 'Have you seen the beautiful girls in this catalogue?'

The second one replies, 'Yes, they are very beautiful. And look at the price!'

The first one says, with wide eyes, 'Wow, they aren't very expensive. At this price, I'm buying one.'

The second one smiles and pats him on the back. 'Good idea! Order one and if she's as beautiful as she is in the catalogue, I will get one too.'

Three weeks later, the youngest IRISHMAN asks his pal, 'Did you ever receive the girl you ordered  from the catalogue?'

The second IRISHMAN replies.....

'No, but it shouldn't be long now. All her clothes arrived yesterday!!

I leave one of the last bits of abuse for an odds on failure to Alan Thomas who emailed in yesterday

'You really are s shit trainer and your jockey d bass is totally shit also why dont you just give all the owners their money back cos letting u train horses is s recipe for disaster'

Mind you Jaymie Taylor sent this message over.

Your Fu....g horse is shite, fu.....g criminal... Bunch of C...s  (or see you next tuesday if I was able to use better language)..

Broad shoulders?