Baileys Blog Search

29th March 2018

Plus 1 and dry when driving in. Frost on my windscreen first thing..

The ground changed at Warwick to heavy.. annoying to say the least. Aliandy who was having his first run of the season was running well until the ground took its toll and David rightly pulled him up.

This morning Duncan Williams was with us second lot to see his horse Glenforde.

Glenforde who has recently had a little wind op is about to hit the racecourse again; hopefully the magical wind op will help him finish his races.

Darren Smith called in third lot to see his KBRP horses Vinndicaton and Dusty Pearl. Both horses are currently 'roughed off' in preparation of their summer holidays.

We have three runners today at Wetherby. Lake Field, Doctor Haze and Rhaegar and for my thoughts on their chances please click here.

Fancy a bit of fun with Fitzdares.? Into your golf?. Click here to look and perhaps join..

My PA vacancy has led to loads of applications. This one I will share with you.

Dear Ms Bailey,

I spotted your job advert in the Andoversford Car Parts and Grouting Magazine..

I am looking for a job as a racing secretary, my primary skill being able to cook an excellent Goulash. I know your advert mentioned breakfast, but I think you will agree, once tasted, that my Goulash is spectacular. And will put smiley faces on your owners when served at breakfast time.

Personally, I find conventional breakfasts of bacon and eggs, devilled kidneys and cold woodcock rather dull. My Goulash is all that I can cook, and sometimes I can get a little carried away with the Chilli and Oxo cubes, but normally it is most agreeable.

Moving onto mundane office tasks, I can spell. I cannot read very well, but I make up that for by being very good at my "Times Tables". All the way up to 7.

I once had a calculator, but it broke. Can you give me one please ?

Computers. This is a bit of a grey area. I sometimes heat my Goulash in my home computer. Which is made by somebody called "Microwave". I can bring in my own Microwave computer if that would help, or perhaps you have one that does other stuff.

Can I have a fast company car please, and a smart house in Cheltenham. I understand that you know all restaurants and hostelries of Cheltenham, and one day will be Lord Mayor. 

I would like to ride several lots every day. I watched "National Velvet", and so know what it takes. I will expect race rides as well, ideally at big Festival meetings. I do not do "Gaff" tracks.

As you can see, I am well qualified to join your team, and suggest you don't interview other candidates. I will start on Monday. See you then.

Oswald Glib Trotter.

To finish on a sad note. Mike Tucker died yesterday.. A really good man..